Beach of Marina di Campo - Lungomare Nomellini
Info (+39) 349.5658487 – (+39) 320.5724400



Once you have learned the moves and positions for the windsurf and are able to move freely on your own, you will understand why windsurfing is liberating and why it is one of the most popular water sports in the world. It is the sliding on the water without weight, it is the acceleration with a gust of wind, it is the deep sensation of wind and waves, it is the discovery and the movement of the waves, it is holding the wind in your hands, it is the fast speed on the water.
This is windsurfing.



The duration of the beginners course is 7 hours. For easier understanding our instructor gives you demonstrations on the simulator showing you movements you will be learning in the water. You will be given a handout of the information to read at your own time for the basic exam at the end of the course to receive your windsurf certificate.


1) Parts of the windsurf
2) The windsurf simulator, the wind conditions, wind directions, basic movements on the board
3) Starting positions, basic turning in wind directions
4) Front and back rotations with the sail
5) Different ways to move with the wind direction, navigation against the wind
6) Front and back turning while speeding up
7) Water safety and rules

1st hour: ½ hour on simulator learning basic starting positions
½ hour in water learning balancing positions (without sail)
2nd hour: ½ hour on simulator learning front and back rotations, learning to windsurf with and against the wind
½ hour in the water (tied to the buoy) learning start, front and back rotation, moving with and against wind
3th hour: Free in the water, moving free with and against the wind, introduction to the back turn
4th hour: Back turning
5th hour: Going against the wind, back turning, introducing front turning
6th hour: Back and front turning, free time practicing
7th hour: ½ hour practice time
½ hour practical exam